
EPPIC Advising

EPPIC Advising

Would you like to increase your skills and confidence in academic and professional English? Would you like to learn more about academic writing, speaking, teaching or presenting in English?  To participate more actively in discussions?  To gain strategies for editing your own writing?

Do you have questions about EPPIC’s services and how they can best serve your current goals?

If so, EPPIC Advising is here to support you!  Schedule a meeting with an EPPIC Adviser to discuss your current studies and goals, and to generate a personalized plan of action for growing your confidence

EPPIC Advising (30 minutes): You will meet with an EPPIC Adviser on-line to review your learning goals for academic English (reading/writing/listening/presenting/interaction), and to receive a personalized schedule of EPPIC language services for the semester. This type of advising appointment is especially useful for students and scholars who are new to Penn State, or who are new to EPPIC’s services.

Click here to schedule a 30-minute EPPIC Advising appointment.