Spring Workshop Series: Applying for Jobs, Research Writing, Pronunciation, and More!
Spring 2025 Workshop Series:
- Applying for Jobs in the U.S.
- Wednesdays, 4:30 – 6:00 PM in E403 Paterno Library
- Foundational Academic Skills in the U.S.
- Tuesdays, 4:30 – 6:00 PM in E403 Paterno Library
- Focus on Pronunciation
- Mondays, 4:00 – 5:30 PM in E403 Paterno Library
- Research Writing in English
- Tuesdays, 5:00 – 6:30 PM via ZOOM (register to receive link)
- Building Connections for Career Development
- Wednesdays 4:30 – 6:00 PM in E403 Paterno Library
Click here to see the spring semester workshop schedule. To learn more and to register for workshops, please visit EPPIC’s ‘services’ page.
EPPIC Write-A-Thon: Make Time to Write!
Are you looking for a supportive space for your writing?
Join the EPPIC Write-A-Thon, a writing group for multilingual students and scholars! (All are welcome, regardless of language background!)
The goal of each session is to give you structured time to write, with an EPPIC writing specialist on hand for questions and consultations during each session. To learn more, visit EPPIC’s writing group page here.
For Spring 2025, the Write-A-Thon will meet weekly every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00–3:00 p.m. For future Write-A-Thons, click here to share your availability, so we can schedule meeting times that work for you!
What can EPPIC do for you? Meet with an EPPIC Adviser to plan for success!
Would you like greater confidence and skill in academic writing and speaking in English? Do you have questions about academic culture in the U.S.? Are you looking for relevant, practical support for your professional communication skills in English?
Schedule an EPPIC Advising appointment to learn how EPPIC can be your partner for success! EPPIC advisers will work with you to create a personalized plan of services that will help you achieve your goals.
For personal coaching throughout the semester, EPPIC Language Advising includes bi-weekly adviser meetings to set targeted learning goals, to complete self-study action plans, and to reflect on your progress.
EPPIC Individual Consultations: Support for English in academic papers, presentations, projects, and more!
Are you a multilingual student who is working on an academic paper or project? Are you preparing for an internship or job interview in English? Will you be presenting a talk in class or at a conference? Are you interested in strategies for participating in discussions and group work more actively and confidently?
Schedule an EPPIC Individual Consultation (EIC) to receive personalized feedback and support from an experienced EPPIC language specialist. Our consultants have helped thousands of multilingual students and scholars to write essays and research papers, to prepare polished presentations, and to craft winning job materials. Learn more about our consultants here, and make an appointment today!
Building a Global Campus: DEIA Workshops for Students, Faculty, Instructors, Advisers and Staff
EPPIC offers multiple workshops related to DEIA for faculty, staff and advisers who are interested in developing intentional strategies to include and support multilingual international students, and who seek to enhance intercultural interaction and learning at Penn State. Workshop topics on these themes include:
- Do you Speak Global English? Strategies for Collaborative Communication
- Encouraging Diverse and Multilingual Perspectives in the Classroom
- Pronouncing International Students’ Names
- Engineering Participation Structures that Work for Everyone
- Supporting Multilingual Student Writers
Contact us at eppic@psu.edu to request a workshop for your group.
Speak UP! Discuss and Practice ‘Real-World’ English
Speak UP – Weekly Advanced English Speaking Group
Are you looking for an opportunity to speak English more often?
Do you have questions about real-world English? Or how to navigate American academic culture?
Speak UP meets weekly to focus on advanced language use in everyday university contexts. Lessons include cultural information, commonly used phrases, and pronunciation tips. Participants have an opportunity to practice their new knowledge through group discussions and role-play with international and American peers.
Thursdays at 4:30 P.M. in 220A Boucke Building, starting on January 30, 2025. To learn more and to register for Speak UP sessions, please visit EPPIC’s ‘services’ page.
EPPIC is an academic center designed to provide advanced English language support to international students and scholars at Penn State, and to foster engaged intercultural communication across the Penn State community .
What does EPPIC do?
EPPIC studies how language is used in varied disciplinary and professional contexts across the university, including in STEM departments, in the Department of Economics, at the Penn State College of Medicine, and at Penn State Law. Our goal is to gain insight into the genres and styles of communication that are central to our contemporary academic and professional lives in an increasingly multilingual world.
We apply our research findings, and over thirty-five years of experience teaching advanced-proficiency English, to create short-term, effective support services for internationals seeking to hone their English skills for professional purposes. We also sponsor programs that promote intercultural awareness and interaction within the university.
How can EPPIC serve you?
If you are an international student, faculty member, or researcher, you can access a menu of services designed to boost your skill and confidence in advanced genres of academic and professional English. If you are a program administrator, EPPIC offers specialized workshops and other services to address the needs of your unit. If you work with internationals as an adviser, supervisor, or administrative staff, we invite you to refer students & scholars to our services, to join our listserv for updates on our services, and to request customized workshops on teaching and working with international multilingual students.